Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Problem publishing default management point to DNS.

Recently I noticed that there was an issue with getting the default management point published in DNS.

mpcontrol.log showed me this: CMPControlManager::PublishInDNS: DnsReplaceRecordsInSet() failed with status 9001.

Unfortunately google didn't returned much regarding error code 9001. When I started troubleshooting I noticed that manually creating the _mssms_mp_<sitecode> SRV record in DNS also failed. (What a surprise!)

This made me believe it was an issue in DNS. Upon looking at the AD DNS server(s) I noticed the name checking was set to Strict RFC (ANSI) instead of the default setting Multibyte (UTF8). Upon changing name checking to Multibyte (UTF8) and restarting the DNS service I was able to publish my default MP to DNS.


  1. Care to explain how we tell if ours is set to ANSI or UTF8?

    1. Sure, just open the DNS manager and go to the properties of your DNS server. (Right click your DNS server and select properties). Then under the tab advanced you will see name checking.
